The Books: How often do you judge a book by its cover? How often are you surprised by what you find? Do you strategize and make sure every book in your series has the same cover design (as far as you are able to) and type? How important is it for the visual art on the outside of the book to match or coordinate with the literature art on the inside?
I'll be honest, I love pretty book covers. I frequently judge books by their covers. I'm more likely to buy a book if I like the cover than if I don't! That doesn't mean I pass up books with covers I don't like, I just prefer pretty covers to go with good stories. As far as series, I hate when they change cover art! I like all my books in a series to match. I just want pretty matching covers!
The Blog: As a book blogger, in whatever form that takes, branding is important. Your colors, your fonts, your style of review, all of these things come together to make the "brand" of your blog - something that makes your reviews and posts and websites, all your various content, immediately recognizable to the people looking for you. What do you do to create a brand on your site? Do you think about these things?
Because most of my social media aligns with Keys to My Life, the only places I try and keep on brand for The Librarian's Bookshelf is here on the blog, Goodreads, and NetGalley. Even for the latter two, it's not that hard. Here on the blog I've stuck with this dreamy, dark blue color scheme for a couple of years now and I really enjoy it! It feel it flows well and returning visitors recognize it easily when they come back.
Do you judge books by covers? How do you keep your blog on brand?
For what it's worth, I love your aesthetic. Mine is kind of average. I just haven't "found myself" yet.
Gabriella M Reads
My Armchair BEA post.
Thank you so much! It's okay if you haven't found it yet - there is absolutely no hurry!