Hi readers! I decided to dip out early again but I got some good sleep and that is what matters haha. Time for the wrap-up survey!
Closing Survey
How would you assess your reading overall? I did pretty well this year! I used audiobooks part of the time so real life didn't get too much in the way for me at all.
Did you have a strategy, and if so, did you stick to it? Not really haha. I just wanted to finish a couple books I was in the middle of, and I did!
What was your favorite snack? Muddy Buddies for sure.
Wanna volunteer for our next event? Stay tuned for the recap post! I am alllllllways up for volunteering! Come join me!
I ended up finished 2 books. I finished Your New Money Mindset: Create a Healthy Relationship with Money by Brad Hewitt in paperback and A Lifelong Love by Gary Thomas on audiobook. I did start another book and its companion study guide; that review will be up by the end of May for the blog tour! Thanks for following along this year, friends!
Closing this Site
3 years ago