Sunday, April 26, 2020

Hour 24: Closing Survey and Final Totals

Hi readers! I decided to dip out early again but I got some good sleep and that is what matters haha. Time for the wrap-up survey!

Closing Survey

How would you assess your reading overall? I did pretty well this year! I used audiobooks part of the time so real life didn't get too much in the way for me at all.

Did you have a strategy, and if so, did you stick to it? Not really haha. I just wanted to finish a couple books I was in the middle of, and I did!

What was your favorite snack? Muddy Buddies for sure.

Wanna volunteer for our next event? Stay tuned for the recap post! I am alllllllways up for volunteering! Come join me!

I ended up finished 2 books. I finished Your New Money Mindset: Create a Healthy Relationship with Money by Brad Hewitt in paperback and A Lifelong Love by Gary Thomas on audiobook. I did start another book and its companion study guide; that review will be up by the end of May for the blog tour! Thanks for following along this year, friends!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Hour 16: Mid-Event Survey and wrapping up...

Hi friends! I had really hoped to make it to the end this year but I'm getting a headache already, and I have an early appointment tomorrow that is only 3 hours after the end of the readathon. Sleep will be needed haha.

I thought it would be fun to do a semi-wrap up post with the mid-event survey! I will come back and do the closing survey as well, but it may not be until a few hours after the event ends.

Mid-Event Survey:
1. What are you reading right now? Currently, I am reading Parenting First Aid. It's one of my favorites so far!

2. How many books have you read so far? I have finished 2 and am working on the 3rd.

3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon? Honestly, Parenting First Aid is good so far! I am looking forward to digging more into it.

4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those? Since I have a toddler, yes, there are lots of interruptions haha. I have to just let them happen and get back into reading spurts when I can.

5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far? It's almost easier this year, since I can read in between projects, but I don't feel like I mentally prepared myself so it's been hard to keep going.

How are you doing so far?

Hour 12: Halfway point

Welcome back! I took a nap during a small break but also finished my audiobook so progress is still happening! I will be moving into my Kindle books now to get a bit of a fresh change. Anyone else using Kindles more than physical books this year?

How is everyone else doing at the halfway point?

Hour 9: Took a blogging break

Welcome back! We had some errands to run, so we took a drive while I continued listening to my audiobook. Plus the toddler needed lunch at some point so we figured a little break was best haha. I'm still not through my audiobook,  but I'm getting close to the end! Hope to have is done in the next couple of hours.

Hour 6: I've been awake HOW long?!

We have hit the quarter-way mark! Yes, that's a thing. I am about half-way through my audiobook at this point. I think I may be nearing the need for my first nap, but I'm trying to hold off until right before the toddler's naptime so I can get some good reading done while he is asleep.

You may not see these updates every hour for a while, as I don't expect to have much of an update for the next couple hours. Follow along on Twitter for highlights!

Hour 5: Real life slows me down

Happy hour 5! I am still working through my audiobook. My toddler is now awake so I'm sure my reading will slow, and I know my update posts will, haha. Does anyone else get a little sad when daily life gets in the way of reading?

Hour 4: Steady pace

Happy hour 4! Since I have been up since 5am, I'm starting to hit a snag in my energy. However, my husband recently woke up so I think a yummy breakfast is incoming! I'm still working away at the audiobook, and thankfully the toddler is still sleeping. How is everyone else doing?

Hour 3: One book down!

I have finished my first book! Now granted, it was partially started, but shush. It still counts! I'm now working through my audiobook and getting a few minor projects done before my toddler starts thinking about waking up. Let's keeo up the pace!

Hour 2: Making good progress

Welcome back! I am less than 10 pages from finishing book 1, so I consider that a win already! Once I finish that book, I will switch over to my audiobook so I can work on some other projects while still keeping up with reading. How did your first hour go?

Hour 1: Let's read!

Here we go friends! I'm starting by trying to finish a few books I am in the middle of. See you in an hour for an update!

Hour 0: Opening Survey

Goooooooood morning readers! I am up bright and early on the West coast and ready to read! Let's kick things off with the opening survey, shall we?

Opening Survey!

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? I am reading from Salem, Oregon! We are in quarantine so this should be an easy day for me to read, haha.

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? I'm honestly not sure! I have quite a few I am in the middle of, so I think I'm just excited to finish a few books today!

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? Hot Pockets are on the agenda for lunch, and those are always a treat!

4) Tell us a little something about yourself! I'm a 29-year-old mama, married to my prince charming Nick, with the crazy, rainbow baby, toddler Samuel Jacob. I work for the technical help desk at a hospital and when schools aren't closed for pandemics, Nick is a substitute teacher!

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? My goal this year is to try and stay up the entire 24 hours, even if that means a nap in the middle. I usually lose out around hour 18 because that's bedtime for me haha. I also just want to make a significant dent in my currently reading and TBR stacks today!

Let's have some fun today!

Friday, April 24, 2020

24 Hour Readathon 2020

Hi friends! I am excited to announce that tomorrow, 4/24, is the next 24 Hour Readathon! I will be participating as much of the 24 hours as possible, including waking up at 5am to start first thing. Yes I know, I'm insane.

I have a rough list of books to read, but not solid enough I want to announce them here yet haha. Who else is joining us? Let me know so I can follow your progress!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Review: Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms

Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms by Debora Coty

Release Date: September 1, 2018
Publisher: Shiloh Run Press
Genre: Christian Devotional
Pages: 224
Format: Paperback
Buy It: Amazon
Do you feel like you’re drowning in the everyday stress-pool? . . .
Wish you could make busy-ness a business so you’d be a millionaire? . . .
Welcome to the maternal order of slightly sagging sisters of the 'hood. The motherhood.

With her own offbeat brand of wit and near-wisdom, popular inspirational humorist Debora Coty addresses heart needs of moms drowning in the churning stress-pool of busyness. In her beloved mom-to-mom, grin-provoking style, Coty offers empathy, laughs, real-life stories, practical parenting survival tips, and fresh biblical insights to help you hear Papa God’s still, small voice through life’s chaos.

Whether you're struggling with stress related to attitude, time-management, guilt trips, patience, or something in between. . .this humor-filled volume will deliver a much-needed smile and equip you with simple-to-implement tips for attaining the peace we all crave—the peace that passes all understanding.

Anything written by Debora Coty does not disappoint. She brings real, raw writing into her books, and adds her own unique brand of humor and flavor. This book is no different. This book came at a great time in my life, and while I did finish it last year right after the birth of Sam, I re-read it often. We can always use some blessing reminders, can't we?

As moms, we are some of the most often stressed people. Because of our stress, we tend to forget the blessings we do have in our lives. Debora reminds us of those simple blessings we have, and how to hold onto those blessings even in our times of stress. This is another great one in her Too Blessed to Be Stressed book collection!

If you are looking for a humorous twist on remembering our blessings, this is one I recommend all moms pick up.

I received this book free for review through Audra Jennings' blog tours. While I was requested to post a review, the thoughts contained herein are my own.
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