Friday, May 29, 2015

ABEA Day 3: Character Chatter and Blogging Q&A!

Hi everyone! Welcome to day 3 of Armchair BEA! Today's topics are Character Chatter and Blogging Q&A. Since I don't feel like I can go super in depth with either topic, I will touch on both of them today!

Character Chatter:

For me, the main character of a novel has to be relateable or I lose interest in the story. Along with that, I don't like characters who are too perfect. These are the kind of characters that fall in love too fast, and solve their problems quickly. I want a character that is human, with true flaws. However, some characters take flaws too far and seem like martyrs. There needs to be a good balance.

Blogging Q&A:

I don't consider myself a huge book blogger, but I have made a few friends through blogging which has really changed how I view it. My biggest piece of advice is to engage with others bloggers, whether through their blogs, Goodreads, or Twitter. Often no one talks to you unless you talk to them first! A lot of bloggers are willing to make new blogging friends, they simply need the opportunity to meet you! So get out there!

I did post one of the Instagram challenges already, so check it out here! I may or may not do the other challenge, but keep watching for the future days!

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