Monday, March 30, 2015

Working Blogging into Life

So I've been seriously neglecting this blog. And reading in general.

For those who haven't heard, I recently moved north to Washington with my fiance to move in with his parents as we get ready for our wedding. Two weeks after moving and much sooner than expected, I got a job at a daycare center part time. It's only about 28 hours a week, but it's pretty active being with those kids all the time. I spent a lot of time just relaxing and preparing to go back to work.

Because of this, many of my hobbies got pushed aside. Blogging and reading included. However, now that I've gotten a better handle on my work and life schedule being balanced, I'm planning on getting heavily back into blogging. I really do miss it.

I'm going to be spending this week updating both this blog and my personal blog with tentative weekly schedules and beginning to pump out long overdue reviews.

I already signed up for this April's 24 Hour Dewey Read-a-thon, and plan to use part of that time to write reviews as well as catch up on some reading.

So! With that being said, I am going to be back. For real this time.

Thank you to those who stuck by me and waited all this time!
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