Friday, July 3, 2015

Follow Friday: 7/3/15

Follow Friday is a weekly meme host by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Each week they feature bloggers, and we trade blog follows to meet new people!

The rules are simple:
  1. Follow the hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. (This is is required.)
  2. Follow both of the featured blogs, one from each host's blog. (This is required.)
  3. Put your blog name and link into the linky on one of the host's pages.
  4. Make your own Follow Friday post and answer the questions or simply say "hi" for new followers to have an easy place to comment.
  5. State your preferred way to be followed, if it's not apparent on your blog.
  6. Follow as many people as you want! Leave a comment so they know you are a new follower.
  7. Follow back when someone new follows you!
I would love to be followed via GFC or RSS if you can follow that way! Otherwise feel free to choose one of the many ways I've listed on my sidebars. Whatever is easiest for you!

This week's question:
What is the first book you remember reading?
I know from stories from family members that I was reading at a young age, but the first book I really remember reading is the first The Edge Chronicles book, Beyond the Deepwoods. My brother was first learning to read at the time, and my mom picked up a random YA book at the store for me to read to him each night. We didn't get too far into the book before he got bored with it and didn't want to read it anymore, but at the point I was already hooked. After finishing it I discovered it was a series and my love of that series continued from there! (I swear every other post on here has something to do with The Edge Chronicles :P)

Leave a comment down below so I can check out your blog!


  1. That's a great story of finding a great book!

    Old follower on Bloglovin'!

  2. Nice story! I read tons of Dr. Seuss as a kid. I'm a new bloglovn' follower.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Oddly enough, I didn't get into Dr. Seuss until later in school! Love his works now :) Thanks for following!

  3. I love these kind of stories!! There's something magical about finding that first books that gets you hooked on reading. Definitely a special moment and book!

    Old Follower :)

    Meredith @ A Book Lover's Corner

    1. I agree! It's great when you continue to love them, as well :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I haven't read these books before. So many great choices! Thanks for visiting my blog. Old follower :)

    1. You should check them out, especially if you love fantasy! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Awhile ago I felt that every other post on my blog had to do with The Dark is Rising series by Susan Cooper -- a YA series, so I know how you feel!

    1. Haha yay, it's not just me! :P But seriously, sometimes there's just that one book or series you can't let go of. Thanks for stopping by! :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I read every comment on my blog and respond personally to each one. Feel free to share your blog link as well so I can comment and follow back! Have a great week!

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